BayLegal’s Economic Justice Project is designed to address the plight poor families face and help improve their quality of life through increased access to income support programs despite the increased demand on the system. BayLegal works closely with local government agencies to improve policies so that programs with limited resources are more effective and responsive to the needs of families.
In addition to its systemic and impact work, BayLegal represents individuals and families appealing unlawful terminations and wrongful denials of Supplemental Security Income, General Assistance, Food Stamps, In-Home Supportive Services, and also works to ensure that the CalWORKs program serves as a bridge to gainful employment.
BayLegal provides legal help with the following issues:
- CalWORKs (California Work Opportunities & Responsibilities to Kids Program)
- SSDI (Social Security Disability Benefits)
- SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
- Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants
- Food Stamps
- California Food Assistance Program
- GA (General Assistance)
- County Adult Assistance Program – San Francisco’s GA program has four separate elements: PAES, SSIP, CALM, and GA
Get Legal Help
Do you need help with CalWORKS, CalFresh (food stamps), General Assistance, Social Security disability benefits, or SSI? Please call our Legal Advice Line for assistance.