Spotlight on Health
Health Consumer Center
Mark, 34, was eager to get back on track with his life and career. Seven years’ sober and looking forward to starting a family, Mark approached a local dental
provider about fixing his teeth. The dentist recommended dentures, and extracted all 26 of his teeth in one sitting. He was in extreme pain and traumatized. To make matters worse, Denti-Cal denied coverage for the follow-up procedure to ensure the dentures would fit correctly and allow Mark to talk and chew normally. Mark’s primary care doctor expressed
concern for both his physical and psychological well-being.
“Because Mark cannot chew, he does not eat solid food and subsists on snack cakes and soft foods, leading to weight loss and a poor diet. His self-esteem has suffered greatly and he has withdrawn socially for fear of being judged.”
An attorney from Bay Area Legal Aid took Mark’s case, arguing the medical necessity of the procedure and seeking a review of Denti-Cal’s denial of coverage. After almost nine months without any teeth, Mark was overjoyed to learn that Denti-Cal reversed their decision and he could proceed being fit for dentures. Today, Mark smiles confidently as he talks about his plans for the future.
Our Reach
Bay Area Legal Aid provides free legal help for over 60,000 individuals every year.
[fa type=”wheelchair-alt”] 38% are people with disabilities
[fa type=”comments-o”] 25% speak a language other than English
[fa type=”home”] 64% live at or below the federal poverty level
Your generous support provides legal advice, counsel, and advocacy to ensure Bay Area residents can live in safe homes, free from violence.