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San Mateo County Office


San Mateo County Office

Redwood City Office

Address: 1048 El Camino Real, Suite A, Redwood City, CA 94063
Telephone: (650) 358-0745
California Relay Service: Dial 7-1-1 or from TTY dial 1-800-735-2929 or visit California Relay Service for more information.
Fax: (650) 358-0751
Office Hours: TBD
Domestic Violence Restraining Order Services:  Domestic Violence Restraining Order packets are available for free in English and Spanish inside our lobby.  If you are seeking a restraining order against an intimate partner, you can complete the packet on your own and bring it to our reception desk during our office hours.  We can review your documents for completeness and can file them electronically for you with the court.  We cannot provide legal advice or help completing the forms.  If you need more help with a Domestic Violence Restraining Order, please call our office at 650-358-0745.  We may direct you to call our Legal Advice Line or schedule you for one of our remote restraining order clinics.

InMotion Hosting

Public Transportation: The office is located across the street from Sequoia Station, 1 block south of Sequoia High School, and .2 miles from the Redwood City Caltrain stop.

Get Legal Help


For help with a legal problem involving Housing, Public Benefits, or Consumer Law, please call our Legal Advice Line for assistance.


For help with a legal problem involving Health Care Access or unfair medical billing, please call the Health Consumer Center for assistance.


Click here for clinics and other events in all Bay Area locations

If you require a reasonable accommodation to access our offices or facilities, please contact our 504 administrator Maria Zaldivar at (510) 250-5225.