Domestic Violence

We help low-income survivors in a range of family law: restraining orders, child custody, support, and dissolution.

Offering comprehensive legal services to support the safety and stability of survivors and their children

BayLegal's domestic violence prevention practice conducts frequent restraining order legal clinics, and represents low-income survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in family court with matters including dissolution, child custody and support, and restraining orders.

Have Questions? Need Help?

  • Legal Advice Line: 800-551-5554
  • California Relay Service: Dial 7-1-1 or from TTY dial 1-800-735-2929 or visit California Relay Service for more information.

BayLegal’s Domestic Violence Prevention practice helps survivors with:



February 12 @ 6:57 am

Alameda County Public Defender’s Office

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Contra Costa County Public Defender’s Office

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February 12 @ 6:57 am

Disability nondiscrimination policy and grievance procedure

February 12 @ 6:57 am

Dispo Brief: Advocating for Placement Instead of Custody

This template argues for the juvenile court to order out-of-home/suitable placement when probation has recommended a term in county custody (i.e. ranch, camp, juvenile hall).

February 12 @ 6:57 am

Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinics

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