March 25, 2020
Benefits Available to Low-Income SF Residents (Including Those Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic)
Benefits such as food aid, cash aid, and free or low-cost medical coverage may be available to low-income SF residents, including those who have lost income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these benefits are listed below, with notes about:
- How to apply (see also: SF HSA coronavirus site)
- Basic eligibility guidelines (but there are many exceptions)
- Special rules (like fast-track approval) for people with urgent needs
Other sources of help:
- Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB) and State Disability Insurance (SDI)
- People who have lost a job or had their hours cut may be able to get UIB or SDI benefits through the Employment Development Department (EDD).
- See:
- Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
- People who had any work income in 2019 may be able to get an EITC payment. To get EITC, they must file a tax return.
- See: information from SF HSA on free tax help and EITC
This document is also available as a PDF for download: Benefits Available For SF Residents During The COVID 19 Emergency
Public Benefits for SF Residents
This information is intended as an introduction only. It is not legal advice. To keep it short and clear, we have left out many details, exceptions, and special rules.
CalFresh (“food stamps”)
- How to apply: or
- Eligibility:
- Low income
(< $2,082 monthly income for one person, < $3,556 for 3 people) - Usually no limit on assets
- See: CalFresh Eligibility (CDSS)
- Low income
Emergency CalFresh (fast-track approval)
- Applicants may qualify for Emergency CalFresh if:
- < $150 monthly income and <$100 assets
OR - income + assets < rent
- < $150 monthly income and <$100 assets
- How Emergency CalFresh helps:
- County must approve application in 3 days
- No documents required for approval
CalWORKs (cash aid, child care, job search help)
- How to apply:
- Eligibility:
- Low income
(< $1,453 monthly income for family of 3) - Low assets
(< $2,250) - Child(ren) in household, or pregnant (2nd or 3rd trimester)
- See: CalWORKs: Who is it for? (
- Low income
Immediate Need (next-day cash aid)
- Applicants may qualify for Immediate Need help if:
- < $100 cash and can’t meet basic needs (food, clothing, diapers, fuel)
OR - being evicted and can’t pay rent
(note: as of March 17, SF has put most evictions on a 90-day pause)
- < $100 cash and can’t meet basic needs (food, clothing, diapers, fuel)
- How Immediate Need helps:
- County must give up to $200 of first check in advance, by next workday
- County must approve application in 15 workdays (3 days, if being evicted)
- It’s important to list all needs. (For example, food need alone may not be enough, if the county gives the applicant CalFresh by the next day.)
Temporary Homeless Assistance (money for temporary shelter)
- Applicants and recipients with less than $100 may qualify for Temporary Homeless Assistance if:
- Homeless
- Received an eviction notice
or - Fleeing an abuser (or need help to flee)
- How Temporary Homeless Assistance helps:
- $85/night for shelter (hotel, pay a friend, etc.)
- Issued immediately
- Normal limit: 16 nights per 12 months
- Exceptions: survivors of abuse, people homeless due to COVID-19
Permanent Housing Assistance (money to stop eviction or secure housing)
- To qualify for Permanent Housing Assistance, must have < $100.
- CalWORKs recipients who qualify can get:
- 2 months’ back rent to prevent eviction
- Security deposit for permanent housing (also available to applicants)
- If eligible for Permanent Housing Assistance, it must be issued immediately upon request.
- For applicants: County must approve application and issue security deposit by next workday after receiving proof of housing offer.
General Assistance (GA), aka County Adult Assistance Program (CAAP) (cash aid, shelter, job services)
- How to apply: see SF HSA CAAP website
- COVID-19 update: No in-person appointments required
- Eligibility:
- Adults with no child(ren) in household
- Low income
(up to ~$900 monthly work income, or ~$500 other income) - Asset limit: Up to $2,000
- Immigrants who are victims of serious crimes, like human trafficking, may qualify for special programs called RCA/TCVAP. Application is usually taken by CalWORKs unit. Apply at
Health-related benefits
Medi-Cal (no-cost health insurance)
- How to apply:
- Online at Covered CA or
- By mail: call your local county office
- Eligibility:
- Low income
(< $2500 per month for family of 3) - Usually no asset limit for ages 19 to 64
- Most immigration statuses qualify (others can apply for Healthy SF)
- Low income
- “Retroactivity”: Medi-Cal may cover medical expenses from the 3 months before the month of application. Can be requested at application, or up to a year later.
Covered CA (Low-Cost Health Insurance)
Charity Care
- California requires hospitals to waive or reduce charges for patients with low income and high medical expenses.
- Patients with large medical bills can ask the hospital for a “charity care” application.
Legal Help and Appeal Rights
Some options if your request is denied or delayed:
- Ask to speak to a supervisor.
- Request free legal advice.
- SF: Call Bay Area Legal Aid’s SF office at (415) 982-1300 and record a voicemail
- Other Bay Area counties: Call Bay Area Legal Aid’s Legal Advice Line at (800) 551-5554, or (for Medi-Cal) our Health Consumer Center at (855) 693-7285
- Request a phone hearing to explain why you think the decision is wrong.
- Hearings are confidential and informal. They are designed for people without lawyers.
- Call: (415) 558-1177
- Hearing held within 15 days
- For CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal
- Call: (800) 743-8525 (if urgent: ask for “expedited hearing”)
- Online: (if urgent: check “yes” for “expedite”)
- Expedited hearings held in about 10 days (decision 5 days later)
- Regular hearings held in about 30 days (decision 60 days later)
- Denials/delays of emergency aid qualify for expedited hearing