March 13, 2024

BayLegal’s new Director of Litigation — Brenda Adams

We are excited to announce that Brenda Star Adams has joined BayLegal as our Director of Litigation. Brenda previously worked for BayLegal in our inter-personal violence prevention team handling family law and immigration cases, and before that she was a housing litigator with the Eviction Defense Center.  Since leaving BayLegal, she worked for Equal Rights Advocates and the National Center for Youth Law handling a wide range of impact litigation matters and issues affecting our client communities.  She has handled litigation cases at all stages, and built strong relationships with community partners and pro bono co-counsel.  She is excited by the opportunity to rejoin BayLegal, as it is not just about bringing impact litigation cases to create change, it is about working alongside, supporting and sharing her experience and skills with BayLegal staff who are in the community on a day-to-day basis.  She has also shared her appreciation for our commitment as a law firm to centering DEI and racial equity and that we have strategic goals and actions for that work.

We look forward to updating supporters and community members as Brenda partners with BayLegal staff to sustain and deepen our commitment to a strategically effective impact litigation program. In her own words:

I’m thrilled to be rejoining BayLegal and to help support the incredible work of BayLegal’s dedicated staff on behalf of their clients.  I cannot wait to start learning from all of the staff about the issues their clients are facing and how I can help support them in using impact litigation to bring about systems change.

You can read Brenda Adams’ staff bio on our Management Team page.

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