Staff List

Meet BayLegal's Staff

BayLegal staff provide free wrap-around legal and social services to low-income individuals and families throughout our seven San Francisco Bay Area County service area with the priority of removing legal barrier so that our clients can: secure and maintain safe and affordable housing; escape and be safe from domestic violence and sexual assault; financial independence and security; protection from predatory lending and unlawful debt collection practices; and access to healthcare.

Brenda Star Adams, Esq., Director of Litigation
New England Law

Maria Aguirre, Staff Attorney – Health Consumer Center, Alameda County
University of San Francisco School of Law

Michelle Albert, Grants and Contracts Officer

Haydée I. Alfonso, Esq., General Counsel
Santa Clara University School of Law

Consuelo I. Amezcua Esq., Staff Attorney- Housing, Napa County
McGeorge School of Law

Will Ang, Office Manager & Senior Advocate, Contra Costa County

Shalini Arora, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney- Health Consumer Center
Santa Clara University School of Law, Santa Clara, CA

Jessica J. Avalos, Director of Human Resources 

Margueritte-Ashley Bangunan Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
University of Southern California Gould School of Law 

Carrie Banks, Senior Social Worker, San Francisco County 

Sabrina Barnes,  Advocate, San Francisco County

Drew Baxter, Facilities Manager

Eduardo E. Blount Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, San Francisco
New York Law School

Aaron Bollack, IT Support Specialist

Lara A. Bradt Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
Washington University School of Law

Taylor Brady, Director of Development & Communications

Aleli Caballero, Bilingual Support Staff, San Francisco County

Stephanie Campos, Office Manager, Alameda County

David Canela, Esq., Staff Attorney – Legal Advice Line
University of California, Davis School of Law

Jorgio Castro, Esq., Senior SSI Staff Attorney, San Francisco County
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Hilda Chan, Esq., Regional Counsel of Housing Litigation
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Emily Chavez (Miller), Advocate and Office Manager, Napa County

Simone Christen, Esq., Staff Attorney – Legal Advice Line
University of San Francisco School of Law

Sarah Chronister, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Housing, Santa Clara County
Santa Clara University School of Law

Renee Coe, Equal Justice Fellow, Alameda County 

Citlalli Contreras-Sandoval, Pro Bono Coordinator

Amihan Cruz-Barroga, Accounting Manager 

Sunney Darling, Esq., Staff Attorney – Economic Justice, San Francisco
UCLA School of Law

Joshua Davidson, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney, Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Jessica Dean, Esq., Staff Attorney – Interpersonal Violence Family Law, Contra Costa County
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Amy DeBevoise, Executive Assistant

Andrea Del-Pan, Esq., Pro Bono Director
University of San Francisco School of Law

Anita F. Desai, Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
Stanford University 

Lauren DeMartini, Esq., Regional Counsel, Housing Law
New York University School of Law 

Emma Dinkelspiel, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Health Consumer Center
New York University School of Law

Kristen E. Dooley Esq., Staff Attorney – Youth Justice
UCLA School of Law

Monique K. Doryland, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Housing, Contra Costa County
New College of California School of Law

Taishi Duchicela, Esq., Staff Attorney – Youth Justice
Loyola University New Orleans College of Law

Sasha Ellis, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
Golden Gate University School of Law

Monica Othón Espinosa, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Legal Advice Line
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Talia Falk, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
Harvard Law School

Lilia Flores, Housing Navigator – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County

Oliver Foland, Esq., Managing Attorney, Napa County
Golden Gate University School of Law

Linnea Forsythe, Esq., Managing Attorney, Alameda County
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Juliana Fredman, Esq., Managing Attorney – Consumer Protection
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Linda Galbreth, Esq. Senior Staff Attorney – Housing, Alameda County
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Angelica Galang, Esq., Staff Attorney – Health Consumer Center
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Jenna Gottlieb Esq., Staff Attorney – Legal Advice Line, Alameda County
Golden Gate University School of Law 

Lisa Greif, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Housing, Alameda County
Suffolk University Law School 

Shaunita M. Hampton, Advocate – Housing, Contra Costa County 

Christian Henricksen, Senior Social Worker – Youth Justice 

Ursula Hill, Supervising Social Worker, San Francisco 

Rachel Hoerger, Esq., Staff Attorney – Re-entry, Alameda County and Contra Costa County
New York University School of Law 

Christine F. Holmes, Impact and Learning Manager

Asma Fatima Husain, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
University of Michigan Law School

Ariella Hyman, Esq., Director of Program and Advocacy
Harvard Law School 

Maighna Jain, Esq., Managing Attorney, Youth Justice
University of California, UC Law San Francisco 

Jessica Jenkins, Esq., Managing Attorney – Immigration Law Practice
Fordham University School of Law 

Marissa Jimenez, Esq., Staff Attorney — Housing, Contra Costa County
New College of California School of Law

Raegan Joern, Esq., Managing Attorney, San Francisco County
University of California, UC Law San Francisco 

Lauren Johnson, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
University of Texas School of Law 

LaRisha Jordan, Human Resources Assistant 

Emily Juneau, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
New York University School of Law 

Michael D. Keys, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Healthcare Access, San Francisco
University of South Carolina School of Law 

Abigail Khodayari, Esq., Staff Attorney – Medical-Legal Partnership, Contra Costa County
University of San Francisco School of Law

Lisa Kim, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Housing, San Francisco County
Loyola University New Orleans, College of Law

Fatuma Kitenge, Impact & Learning Associate

Thomas J. Kroner, Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
University of California Davis School of Law 

Margaret Laffan, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney, Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) , Alameda County
Northeastern University School of Law

Kenneth Lam, Senior Accountant

Christina Lee, Director of Grants & Contracts 

Olga Leon, Reception & Support Staff, Contra Costa County

Wan Li, Office Manager, San Francisco 

Brennan Lowe, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Legal Advice Line
University of California, Irvine School of Law

Theresa Luong, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Interpersonal Violence Family Law, San Francisco
Golden Gate University School of Law 

Jessica Mangold, Staff Attorney – Interpersonal Violence Prevention, Napa County
UCLA School of Law

Sacha Maniar, Esq., Staff Attorney - Consumer Protection

Julianna Mancini, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Economic Justice, Santa Clara County
Santa Clara University School of Law

Jessica Mark, Esq., Supervising Attorney, Economic Justice
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles 

Don Medearis, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Economic Justice, San Francisco
University of San Francisco School of Law

Rose Molloy, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
Northeastern School of Law

Monique Moore, Esq., Staff Attorney, Interpersonal Violence/Family Law, Alameda County
Santa Clara University School of Law

Jesús Muñoz, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Immigration
Stanford Law School

Thelma C. Musni, Accountant

Kemi Mustapha, Esq., Supervising Attorney, Interpersonal Violence/Family Law, Santa Clara County
Washington University School of Law

Lisa Newstrom, Esq., Managing Attorney, Santa Clara County
Cornell University Law School

Alejandra Pérez Orozco, Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, Contra Costa County
UCLA School of Law

Erin Orum, Esq., Managing Attorney, San Mateo County & Regional Counsel for Family Law
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law

Alexandria Pappas, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Economic Justice, San Francisco
New York Law School

Adrian Paredes, Esq., Staff Attorney – Consumer Protection
University of San Francisco School of Law

Joanna H. Parnes, Esq., Managing Attorney, Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Robbie Sue Perkins, Office Manager, Santa Clara County 

Adam Poe, Esq., Managing Attorney, Contra Costa & Marin Counties
DePaul University College of Law

Louie Ponce, Esq., Staff Attorney- Legal Advice Line
McGeorge School of Law

Janet Puckett, Advocate/Office Manager, San Mateo County 

Mia Ragent, Esq., – Staff Attorney Interpersonal Violence Family Law, San Francisco
University of North Carolina School of Law

Anna Ratner, Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, Santa Clara County
University of California Davis School of Law 

Nicole Reyes, Esq., Staff Attorney – Interpersonal Violence Family Law, San Mateo County
Santa Clara University School of Law

Veronique Richard, Senior Social Worker – SSI, San Francisco 

Genevieve Richardson, Esq., Executive Director
University of Colorado School of Law

Rebecca Richardson, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Re-Entry, Alameda County
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings) 

Emilio Seijo Rivera, Esq., Managing Attorney, Health Consumer Center
Inter American University School of Law

Jeanette Robinson, Director of Information Technology

Ruben Robles,  Advocate – Interpersonal Violence Family Law, San Mateo 

Hadley Rood, Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Eulalio Rosales-Magana, Advocate – Housing, Alameda County

Kari A. Rudd, Esq., Staff Attorney – Consumer Protection
University of Minnesota Law School

Jordan Rudner, Esq., Registered Legal Aid Attorney* – Interpersonal Violence/Family Law, Santa Clara County
Stanford Law School

Paul Sanderson-Cimino, Esq., Staff Attorney – Economic Justice, San Francisco
University of Michigan Law School

Gabriela Schneider, Esq., Staff Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
New York University School of Law

Emilia Shelton, Esq., Staff Attorney, Legal Advice Line
University of California College of the Law, San Francisco

Daniel Shih, IT Tech Support

Odilla Sidime, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Youth Justice
Santa Clara University School of Law

Vish Soroushian, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Consumer Protection
University of California, Berkeley School of Law

Ariella Stafanson, Staff Attorney, Housing – Alameda County

Nicole Suraci-Nguyen, Esq., Economic Justice Attorney, Alameda County
Golden Gate University School of Law

Rai Sue Sussman, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, San Francisco
Lewis & Clark Law School

Chantal Tien,  Advocate – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County & San Francisco County

Sara Tran, Social Worker – Housing, Santa Clara County

Margad Tsendayush, Accountant

Anali Valdez, Advocate – Legal Advice Line

Camila L Valdivieso, Esq., Staff Attorney – Reentry, Alameda County
Golden Gate University School of Law

Laura Van Tassel, Esq., Staff Attorney – Interpersonal Violence Family Law
University of Michigan Law School

Maria Vasquez, Support Staff, San Francisco

Nayeli Velazquez Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI San Francisco
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Analia Villagra, Grants & Contracts Officer

Kate Walsham, Supervising Attorney, Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Michelle Weger, Senior Grants and Contracts Officer

Jessica Weinger, Esq., Supervising Attorney – Housing, San Francisco
University of San Francisco School of Law

Mynesha Whyte, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Susan Widule, Esq., SSI Senior Staff Attorney, Alameda County
Columbia Law School

Michael Wolchansky, Esq., Supervising Attorney, Social Security Disability/SSI, San Francisco County
Golden Gate University School of Law

Maggie Woods, Esq., Staff Attorney – Interpersonal Violence Family Law, San Mateo County
University of California, Berkeley, School of Law

Pam Wool, Esq.Senior Staff Attorney – Youth Justice / Social Security Disability/SSI
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

Joshua Yoon, Esq., Managing Attorney, Legal Advice Line
Loyola Law School, Los Angeles

Maria J. Zaldivar, Human Resources Manager

Suzanne Zalev, Esq., Senior Staff Attorney – Social Security Disability/SSI, Alameda County
University of California Davis School of Law

Lily Zhang, Esq., Staff Attorney – Legal Advice Line
University of California, UC Law San Francisco (formerly UC Hastings)

*Registered legal services attorney practicing law in California under the supervision of a qualified legal aid attorney, pursuant to California Rules of the Court (Rule 9.45. Registered legal services attorneys).