Press Room

BayLegal in Media

BayLegal's media contact form, along with recent and archived media releases and media coverage

BayLegal media releases

An empty courtroom at night, symbolizing the loneliness and isolation of legal battles over family issues
Legal Aid Organizations Sue Superior Courts of Contra Costa, Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and San Diego to Protect Constitutional Rights of Low-Income Litigants

For Immediate Release Thao WeldyFamily Violence Appellate Projecttweldy@fvaplaw.org510-858-7358 Oakland, CA (December 4, 2024) – Family Violence Appellate Project, represented by Covington & Burling LLP and Community Legal Aid SoCal, and…

Social security and law welfare government benefits with a group of diverse people holding a justice scale with 3D illustration elements.
BayLegal Weighs in on Critical Protections for Children

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE BAY AREA LEGAL AID MEDIA CONTACT Please use the form at the bottom of this page to contact our media team. BayLegal Weighs in on Critical Protections…

Bay Area Legal Aid Secures Statewide Injunction Against Achievable Solutions, Inc. (ASI) in Landmark Fraudulent Debt Collection Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Bay Area Legal Aid (BayLegal) Secures Statewide Injunction Against Achievable Solutions, Inc. (ASI) in Landmark Fraudulent Debt Collection Case Oakland, California, December 4, 2023— Bay Area Legal…

Media coverage of BayLegal

April 14, 2018 Vallejo / CA / USA - Cars stopping at Carquinez Bridge Toll Plaza to pay for the use of the bridge of eastbound traffic; north San Francisco bay area
DMV holds for bridge tolls return, along with deep inequities

A story by Noah Baustin in today’s San Francisco Standard examines the post-pandemic return of DMV registration holds for unpaid bridge and FasTrak tolls and fees. Since the fall of…

Court Reporter Shortage – media coverage

Journalism focused on or citing our petition to the CA Supreme Court related to civil litigants’ right to a verbatim record includes:

Disabled Hearing Access
“A qualified yes”: new Social Security rules on remote appeal hearings

The AARP website features an in-depth examination of new Social Security Administration (SSA) rules for remote access to appeal hearings. The new rules make permanent some exceptions to requirements for…